ALBUM REVIEW: Mudhoney Calls B.S. on ‘Digital Garbage’

The grunge grandaddies still have a lot to say, and it’s more poignant and needed than ever.

Digital Garbage is the ninth full-length album from grunge godfathers Mudhoney.

While the Seattle skuzz-punks have never shied away from calling B.S. on just about every bogus target in their sight, they’ve never before been motivated to aim their shots at politics and calculated social commentary. But as we all know, 2018 is kind of a drag, man.

Galvanized by Mark Arm’s sharp-toothed lyrics, the band sounds as potent and dynamic as they ever have, as they cap off rounds in all the blistering scabs of society, including politicians, law enforcement, religious hypocrites, capitalist pigs, miserable bastards and evil fucks.

Thirty years since their debut, Mudhoney still have a lot to say, and it’s more poignant and needed than ever.

Score: 📺📺📺📺/5